Strategic Community Management & Psychology of Community: 2021

Strategic Community Management & Psychology of Community: 2021
Learn to develop a community strategy and increase engagement in your online community
Buy Course - 1,100.00 USD

Course Outline

Strategic Community Management

  1. Video: Welcome
  2. The Weekly Course Structure
  3. Activity: Meet Your Fellow Classmates (4 mins)
  4. Activity: Benchmark Your Community Efforts

Week 1 - Strategic Thinking

  1. Week 1 Overview: Strategic Thinking
  2. Download Community Strategy Templates
  3. Video: What is Strategy? (4.5 mins)
  4. Video: Strategy vs Strategic Plan (2.5 mins)
  5. Activity: What is Your Strategy Right Now? (4 mins)
  6. Further Reading: The Elements of a Strategic Plan (3 mins)
  7. Further Reading: Why Create a Strategy? (9 mins)
  8. RESOURCE: Audience Survey Template - NEW Community
  9. RESOURCE: Audience Survey Template - Existing Community
  10. Access Your Strategic Project Plan Template
  11. FEB 2020 - WEBINAR - LESSON 1
  12. [NEW] OCT 2020 - WEBINAR - LESSON 1

Week 2 - Community Goals and Objectives

  1. Week 2 Overview: Community Goals and Objectives
  2. Uncovering Your Corporate Goals (3.5 mins)
  3. Identifying Objectives (4 mins)
  4. Further Reading: Return on Investment (3+ mins)
  5. Further Reading: Community Goals and Objectives - Part 1 (8.5 mins)
  6. Activity: What Is Your Main Goal? (6+ mins)
  7. Download: 46 Questions for Uncovering Your Goals
  8. Activity: Converting Goals to Objectives (8 mins)
  9. Activity: Choose Your Objectives (8 mins)
  10. MARCH 2020 - WEBINAR
  11. [NEW] OCT 2020 - WEBINAR - LESSON 2

Week 3 - Developing A Community Strategy

  1. Week 3 Overview
  2. Target Audience (8.5 mins)
  3. Secondary Audiences and Allocation (4 mins)
  4. Activity - Choose Your Secondary 'Failsafe' Goals and Objectives (10 mins)
  5. Strategy is About Emotions (4.5 mins)
  6. Resource: Emotions Wheel (1 min)
  7. Further Reading: Community Goals and Objectives - Part 2 (9 mins)
  8. Further Reading: Developing a Community Strategy - Part 1 (11 mins)
  9. Activity: Choose the Best Target Audience For Your Objectives
  10. Activity: Interview Your Main Target Audience
  11. The Stakeholder Black Box Problem (2.5 mins)
  12. Further Reading: Get Approval For Your Strategy (2.5 mins)
  13. Activity: Update Your Stakeholders (10 mins)
  14. MARCH 2020 - WEBINAR
  15. [NEW] NOV 2020 - WEBINAR

Week 4 - Resources & Tactics

  1. Week 4 Overview
  2. What Resources Do You Have? (5 mins)
  3. Activity: Make a List of Your Available Resources (6 mins)
  4. Allocating Resources by Objective (2.5 mins)
  5. Tactics (9.5 mins)
  6. Activity: Matching Situations With Emotions (8 mins)
  7. Further Reading: Developing a Community Strategy - Part 2 (11 mins)
  8. Further Readings: Tactics (16 mins)
  9. Download: Tactics Table
  10. Activity: Allocate resources to objectives (4 mins)
  11. Activity: Rank tactics (6 mins)
  12. MARCH 2020 - WEBINAR
  13. [NEW] NOV 2020 - WEBINAR

Week 5 - Developing The Action Plan

  1. Week 5 Overview
  2. Video: Action Plan (6 mins)
  3. Video: Team Management (4 mins)
  4. Activity: What are the Best Tactics You've Seen on Communities? (6 mins)
  5. Further Reading: Developing the Action Plan (23 mins)
  6. Activity: Turning a Tactic into an Action Plan (12+ mins)
  7. MARCH 2020 - WEBINAR
  8. [NEW] NOV 2020 - WEBINAR

Week 6 - Data-Driven Improvements

  1. Week 6 Overview
  2. Video: Measurement & Improvement (3 mins)
  3. Video: The Four Areas Where You Can Improve (5 mins)
  4. Video: Change Happens (4 mins)
  5. Further Reading: Data-Driven Improvements (37 mins)
  6. Further Reading: Managing Unpredictable Types of Change (7 mins)
  7. Activity: What are you measuring now? (5 mins)
  8. Activity: Join Our Community of Experts! (5 mins)
  9. APRIL 2020 - WEBINAR
  10. [NEW] NOV 2020 - WEBINAR

Psychology of Community: 2019

  1. Video: Welcome (3 mins)
  2. The Weekly Course Structure
  3. Activity: Meet Your Fellow Classmates (4 mins)

Week 1 - Audience Profiles and Designing Member Journeys

  1. Week 1 Overview: Audience Profiles and Effective Communication
  2. Video: Introduction to the Principles of Effective Communication (5 mins)
  3. Video: Creating Audience Profiles (8.5 mins)
  4. Video: Communication Messages and Member Journeys (3.5 mins)
  5. Activity: Survey your community members
  6. Activity: Building your member profiles (18+ mins)
  7. Activity: Create a touchpoint analysis of your community (12+ minutes)
  8. Activity: Create and Share A Detailed Member Journey
  9. Share Your Touchpoint Analysis or Member Journey
  10. Bonus Video: How to persuade your members
  11. FEB 2020 - WEBINAR
  12. [NEW] OCT 2020 - WEBINAR - LESSON 1

Week 2 - The Psychology Behind Community Participation

  1. Week 2 Overview: The Psychology Behind Community Participation
  2. Video: The Psychology of Community Participation (6.5 mins)
  3. Video: Competence, Autonomy, And Relatedness Journeys (8.5 mins)
  4. Activity: What is your conversion rate? (12 mins)
  5. Activity: What do you ask people to do when they join?
  6. Activity: What did you learn from your member interviews?
  8. FEB 2020 - WEBINAR - LESSON 2

Week 3 - Increasing Member Satisfaction

  1. Week 3 Overview: Increasing Member Satisfaction
  2. Video: The Empathy Gap (6 mins)
  3. Video: Speed, Personalization, and Friendliness (11 mins)
  4. Activity: Measuring happiness/satisaction/relevancy
  5. Activity: Improving your community response
  6. MARCH 2020 - WEBINAR
  7. [NEW] NOV 2020 - WEBINAR

Week 4 - Increasing Member Satisfaction (Part II)

  1. Week 4 Overview: Increasing Member Satisfaction (Part II)
  2. Video: Knowledge, Resolution, and Control (8 mins)
  3. Video: Establishing Guideline and Benchmarks (4.5 mins)
  4. MARCH 2020 - WEBINAR
  5. [NEW] NOV 2020 - WEBINAR

Week 5 - Gamification and Nurturing Superusers

  1. Week 5 Overview: Gamification and Nurturing Superusers
  2. Video: Introduction To Gamification And Superuser Programs (4.5 mins)
  3. Video: The Psychology Behind Active Member Programs (8 mins)
  4. Video: Building Top Contributor Programs (6 mins)
  5. MARCH 2020 - WEBINAR
  6. [NEW] NOV 2020 - WEBINAR

Week 6 - Sense of Community

  1. Week 6 Overview: Sense of Community
  2. Video: What is a sense of community? (4.5 mins)
  3. Video: Membership (7.5 mins)
  4. Video: Influence (4.5 mins)
  5. Video: Integration and fulfillment of needs (3 mins)
  6. Video: Shared emotional connection (6 mins)
  7. Activity: Sense of Community Worksheet
  8. Activity: Join Our Community of Experts! (5 mins)
  9. MARCH 2020 - WEBINAR
  10. [NEW] NOV 2020 - WEBINAR

About the Course

Strategic Community Management

Strategic Community Management will help you stop chasing meaningless engagement metrics and start focusing on activities which drive phenomenal growth and the behavior you want from members.

We'll teach you to use your limited resources to achieve the biggest possible impact in your online community. During this course program, you will learn to question every activity you do and determine what is worth doing and where best to spend your time to achieve the biggest impact.

Via a combination of recorded sessions and live webinars, Richard Millington will guide you through the process of developing a strategic plan uniquely tailored to your community.

Psychology of Community

We’ve built Psychology of Community as a course to help you do more for your members. You don’t need to revamp your platform, hire new staff, or waste money on big events.

This course isn’t about changing what you do. This course is about improving how you do it.

This course is about using psychology as the foundation upon which you build all community activity. We’re going to help you improve how you communicate with members and build lasting engagement systems to get the behavior you need.

If you’re tired of people telling you they’re ‘too busy’ to participate in the community or searching for the right combination of words to get members to share your vision, this course will help.

About the Instructors

Richard Millington

Richard Millington, Founder & Managing Director, FeverBee

Richard Millington has spent the past decade helping 250+ companies develop some of the world’s largest online communities.

Richard is the founder of FeverBee, an international community consultancy, and the author of Buzzing Communities. Richard’s clients have included Google, Facebook, Oracle, Wikipedia, EMC, Greenpeace, and many more. Prior to FeverBee, Richard interned with Seth Godin in New York.